Release, Relax, Recharge
Amy uses Wholistic Methylation™ and Energy work to support natural healing of the body. These modalities work as a stand-alone therapy or in conjunction with traditional western medicine.
"Through supporting the body at a genetic level with Wholistic Methylation™, energy work, nutrition and emotional support, I help women find optimal health and balance in their hectic lives, so they can be grounded and really live in the moment with joy and peace."
-Amy Wellein

Are you confused about what supplements, diet, and exercise are right for you? Are you facing a challenge that whatever you have tried is still not working? Wholistic Methylation™ is a system for identifying and balancing genetic variants by combining the study of genetics, epigenetic, biochemistry and nutrition that can lead to underlying chronic conditions and brain chemistry imbalances. Using Kinesiology techniques, we will identify underlying genetic variants that are the TRUE root cause of many chronic conditions. Your genes are triggered by biochemicals -- the basic elements your body breaks down from what you eat and drink, other supplemental nutrients and your environment. We can now identify if your health risks are rooted in your genes…and design the specific supplements, nutrition and lifestyle adjustments that can address them. It is possible to better cope with stress, be more mentally alert, focused, satisfied and happy with your life naturally by making some of these simple adjustments. Change the way your genes perform and that can change your life forever.
Over the last 6 years the MyHappyGenes® Project has mapped over 450 of the genes that affect your health in these ways. They can identify genes that you have inherited and suggest diet and lifestyle changes that will optimize your mental and physical performance. This kit is another tool that can be used to really understand why you are the way you are at a genetic level. The test is a simple swab, and the privacy of the data is very important to this company. Your information will be destroyed after 30 days and never sold.
Amy is an Advanced Practitioner for Eden Energy Medicine of the Eden Method. Imbalances in 9 different energy systems are tested by using muscle/energy testing. The energy systems are: The Aura, Celtic Weave, Chakras, Electrics, Five Rhythms, Grid, Meridians, Radiant Circuits, Triple Warmer. She tests for balance in each of the energy systems and how well they are communicating with each other. Then corrections are made where imbalance is found. The client remains fully clothed during a session and light touch is used, always to the comfort level of the client. The Vagus Nerve is also attended to as that Nerve plays a huge role in sending and receiving messages between our brain and organs. It also is important to the rest and digest state of our physical and emotional being.
The Raindrop Technique was created by Gary Young. It combines Young Living essential oils with light touch to support our health and wellness. Oils are applied to your feet with a technique called Vitaflex. Then the therapeutic grade essential oils are applied up your spine and to your tired muscles. These oils are then “feathered in” using a spine-tingling technique inspired by the Native Americans. You can’t get more pampered than this!
The Raindrop Technique uses a sequence of essential oils that are immune enhancing; support the body's natural defenses, as well as the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, nervous, and other body systems. These oils, which are high in antioxidants, are also mood elevating. Essential oils are known to boost stamina and energy, help you relax, help manage stress and frustration and promote overall health, vitality, and longevity.

Amy Wellein
Amy Wellein, BCND, EEM-AP and Certified Wholistic Methylation™ Practitioner, is passionate about partnering with women who are interested in owning their own health and wellness, both physically and emotionally. We live in a day and age where we have lost touch with listening to the wisdom of our own body. Living with pain becomes something we get used to. We ignore its message as we take care of others and their needs. Through Kinesiology, energy/muscle testing, we work together to find out where imbalances are causing either physical or emotional pain. Using supplementation, nutrition, energy work and essential oils, we can change energetic habits to regain health and vitality.
2820 W. Maple Rd.
Suite 220
Troy, MI 48084
Open by Appointment Only
Tel: 248 885 4597